Site Cart


Role: UX/UI Design


A change in vendors provided us with the opportunity to upgrade our cart experience. Read how our improvements resulted in increased conversions and lower abandonment rates.


1. The Problem

The previous cart system was tied to a platform that limited our options. The cart process broke the visual and experiential continuity of the site. This system limited our ability to provide users with standard cart functionality including guest checkout and upfront details on estimated tax and shipping costs. 

Our goal was to create a cart system that increased conversion rates and revunue, while lowering abandonment rates. 


Our current site conversion rate was under 1%. This is half of what of the acceptable low range. This provided us with a lot of opportunity for improvement. 

The previous process had an 80.5% abandonment rate. This includes; 46% abandonment rate at the cart page, 10.5% at the address info page, 24% at the shipping and payment selection page. Our goal was to improve these numbers and to at least hit the industry average with is around 70%.

Previous Version

2. Process

The first step was gathering data. We gathered feedback from customer service. We did a comparative analysis across the industry. We also researched best practices. We gathered a wide list of potential ideas and moved ahead with more than 10 improvements to the cart process.

Our list of improvements included numerous workflow and feature updates. These included better user guidance, up-front cart page info on tax and shipping cost options, guest checkout functionality, saved payment ability, and improved messaging on the thank you page and confirmation emails.


After an initial group discussion that outlined our plan, I created user journey process diagrams. Once we had internal buy-in, we moved ahead with higher fidelity user workflow layouts. These scenarios considered each user scenario of the checkout process.

Revised Version

3. Results

We are still waiting for numbers to even out after a platform change. However, we are seeing one strong result. The e-commerce conversation rate went up 161% since the changes went into place.