Cover Expressions
User Testing & Adjustments


Role: UX/UI, Project Management


User testing allowed us to see an existing project with new eyes. Read about how our discoveries improved site engagement.


1. The Problem

The site was not converting. When we looked into analytics, two issues were prominent. One, the bounce rate was high. Two, most users didn't advance past the first page down the purchase funnel.


We reported these numbers to the committee and were given the green light to run the current site through user testing.

Previous Version

2. User Testing

We used a guerilla method of user testing. The three of us on our team interviewed guests at a local coffee shop. One of us ran the interview while the others took notes. We screen and audio recorded the interactions. 


Our method of testing involved giving the user a task on the site. We intentionally provided little context. Our goal was to discover areas that lacked clarity and get to the bottom of our poor site performance numbers.

3. Results

Our inital round of user testing revealed repeated themes among the small group of testers. These finding included a realization that the product concept itself was unclear to users. The customization component wasn’t obvious. The process for product creation was also unclear.


Our discoveries lead to layout and messaging tweaks. We did a second round of user testing that successfully confirmed that our improvements helped with the issues discovered during round one.

Our changes were a a success with site users. Our bounce rate dropped 16% and 80% of users were now advancing past the first page.

Revised Version